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Happy healthy parents course heal from postpartum depression and anxiety


with Hope Corbin

A holistic approach to improving the health and happiness of parents who are experiencing anxiety, depression, fatigue, burnout, health issues or simply struggling mentally and emotionally.


Postnatal Depletion is essentially the depletion caused by nutritional deficiencies, hormone shifts, lack of sleep and psychosocial factors relating to becoming a mother.

This 8 lesson course can be done entirely on your own time, so that you can go at your own pace and fit it into your busy life.

Hope Corbin postpartum maternal wellness coach and guide
The Postnatal Depletion Recovery Program is an 8 lesson self-paced online course that contains holistic health and lifestyle tips that you can do entirely on your own time and at your own pace.

You'll receive access to 11 lessons that include the following:

  • the lifestyle and wellness practices that took me from severely anxious, depressed, and exhausted to happy, healthy, and thriving

  • an audio meditation to support relaxation and nervous system health

  • access to a private online group (not on Facebook) where you can receive support, have your questions answered, and celebrate your successes

Parents and Daughter

This course is for you if...

  • you feel like you are failing as a parent

  • you are sleep deprived, exhausted and burnt out

  • you feel anxious and overwhelmed 

  • you want to cultivate more health, energy, happiness, and wellness

  • you want to feel like yourself again.

  • you want to explore holistic methods of improving your health and your mood

  • you feel in your bones it is your birthright as a parent to thrive rather than just survive

  • you are committed to being the best parent you can be and know that requires you to be healthy and well

  • you are willing to carve out a little bit of space each day to integrate the practices I share into your life

  • you want acknowledgment, accountability, and support on your journey to wellness

  •  you acknowledge that healing is a journey that takes time and patience

The Lessons of the Postnatal Depletion Recovery Program

Lesson 1: Sleep


  • the importance of sleep

  • getting the most out of the sleep you do get

  • sleep hygiene

  • ways to get more sleep as a parent 

help mothers get more sleep

Lesson 2: Putting Yourself First, Centering Your Care


  • letting go of the mother-martyr complex

  • putting your wellness in the centre of your life

  • repattering unsupportive beliefs

Lesson 3: Grief


  • grief as medicine

  • reality vs fantasy

  • grief practices

Lesson 4: Follow Your Impulses


  • nervous system healing and regulation

  • simple effective practices for healing

  • coming back to homeostasis

Lesson 5: Purpose and Play


  • feeling on purpose

  • the medicine of play

  • igniting your inner spark

Lesson 6: Stress and the Nervous System


  • the physiology of stress

  • expanding your window of tolerance

  • practices and tools for nervous system regulation

  • healing trauma

Lesson 7: Sex and Relationships


  • improving the health of your relationships

  • sex as medicine

  • making time for love

Lesson 8: Gut Health


  • the gut / brain connection

  • healing your gut microbiome

  • food allergies and sensitivities

  • happy belly, happy mind

Plus more...

Disclaimer - this course is not meant to replace medical advice or care. If you are really struggling please visit your medical professional.

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"Thank you so much for writing this work of Health and Happiness. I found this entire series to be helpful and beneficial to my life. Having these practices organized for me in this way within the context of helping me become a better parent has been great.


I immediately loved the fact that I can do this at my own pace and time. That feels very manageable for me.


Thanks for taking the time to share with us the things that have made you a better parent."


- Christian Prekratic

Course Details

Postnatal Depletion Recovery Program is an self-paced e-course.


It is recommended to go slow and do this course on your own time, as you can fit it into your schedule.


The tools and practices in this program are easily integrated into your busy life​

Pricing Info


$197 CAD


$22 CAD

*on an annual plan

Your Guide
Hope Corbin

As a survivor of severe postpartum illness and postnatal depletion, Hope's journey to thriving wellness has had her explore many holistic wellness practices.


She is a graduate of the Innate Traditions INNATE Postpartum Care Certification and has learnt cross-cultural practices, backed by the latest science, that support a mother's wellness and health postpartum.


She is a mother to a 3 year old son, a conscious dance facilitator, yoga instruction, DJ, and loves to spend her freetime with her hands in the soil of her garden.

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