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Hi! My name is Hope, and I am an Holistic Maternal Wellness Coach.


As a mother who experienced severe postpartum illness and found her way back to health and wellness naturally, I am here to support you on your journey from barely surviving to thriving.​


Chances are that if you are reading this, either you or someone you love might be experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, health issues, emotional outbursts, insomnia, or other health challenges since having a baby. If that is the case, you are in the right place.


Traditional cultures all over the world deeply honour the role of the mother in their society, and recognize the importance of her health and wellness. Because of that they have found and discovered what is needed to support mother's to thrive.


I use the wisdom learned from my own personal journey, along with traditional wisdom from around the world, backed by the latest science, to support your journey from struggling to thriving.



We will work very holistically, honouring that what is going on for you body, heart, mind, and soul will affect how you feel and what your experience is since becoming a mother.


I will hold your hand and support you on your journey as someone who understands and has deep compassion about the demands of modern day motherhood.


I will support you to deeply listen to your intuition and internal guidance to find the solutions that will help you bring you back into a state of health and balance.

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Wellness Coach

Some of the tools and practices I use:

- Reprogramming subconscious beliefs
- Intuitive guidance
- Nutritional advice and gut healing
- Sleep coaching
- Self-care practices
- Village building
- Somatic Stress Release
- Mental health tips and nervous system
- Relationship work
- Play
- Connecting to your purpose
- Grief work
- Emotional support
- Sacred witnessing

free session

I offer a 30 min complimentary call to see if it is alignment for us to work together. I look forward to hearing from you.

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